
Open Access at Harvard: An Evening with Peter Suber and Kyle Courtney | Harvard Alumni Association

This summer I had the pleasure of co-presenting to a group of Harvard alums, at the invitation of the Harvard Alumni Association.  If you are interested in the “Top 5 Things” I am advocating for including my work with libraries, copyright law, MOOC’s, orphan works, digital first sale, and open access, please listen in – I provide a nice overview of the work we do each day.

The best part is that right after my brief presentation, Peter Suber gives an excellent overview of the Open Access movement, the Open Access policy at Harvard, and about our office (the Office for Scholarly Communication), including DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard), the repository of Harvard scholarship available to the world.

The Harvard Alumni Association has posted the talk on SoundCloud.

Hi, I’m KyCour